Self Care Tips for Go Getters
Life frequently gets in the way and busy schedules can limit your time to relax, but it’s important to give yourself the time and love you earned. Taking a moment to yourself can be life-changing and trust me, you deserve it! To all of the fierce and hard-working women, here are some self-care tips that you can integrate into your busy lives.
Face mask
If you are the busy type, a face mask is a quick way to wrap up your hectic day. This self-love treatment will make you feel relaxed and refreshed! According to Discover Good, Face masks will draw out dirt and impurities while rejuvenating your cells. Afterwards your skin will thank you. There’s something so amazing about putting on your favorite pajamas and applying a face mask!
Bubble Bath
After a long day, a hot bubble bath is a great way to unwind and exhale. Light some candles, grab a good book and pour yourself a glass of wine. I promise this self-care tip will do wonders on the mind and body.
If you are anything like me, a good workout is the best way to relieve stress. According to the Mayo Clinic, working out is proven to have stress-busting benefits. Whether it is morning or night, releasing endorphins will increase your overall health and wellbeing. Something as simple as going for a run will clear your mind and allow you to tackle other parts of your day. Stress is inevitable but getting out and moving is a great way to tackle this problem.
As silly as this one sounds, self-love comes in all shapes and sizes. You do not need a spa to cure a hard ay, I promise chocolate will help do the trick! Sometimes all you need is delicious food. Desserts (or salty snacks) can make anyone happy and act as a reward for all you have done. While eating a well-balanced diet is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, everything is great in moderation. So eat the cake! Don’t feel guilty, treat yourself!
A timeless classic for those on the move. There is nothing more refreshing than a good night’s sleep or even a nap. When you are busy and on the go, sleep can go by the wayside. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute sleep helps with stress, mental health and will boost your mood. While it can be hard to find the time in your day, naps can be beneficial after just 15 minutes! Success is great, but do you know what's better? Feeling rested.
By: Grace Broomhead